Sound Healing and its Uses in the Medical Field
The aboriginals of Australia are recorded as the first culture to integrate sound healing as medicine. Using a hollowed wooden tube, then known as the 'yidaki' (modern name – didgeridoo), this would go on record to have begun at least 40,000 years ago. The healers of the time would use sound to heal broken bones, muscle tears, and cure a wide range of illnesses.
Ancient Egyptian Priests and Priestesses would use instruments such as harps and the sistra, a rattle-type instrument with metal discs that produces a pleasant ringing sound, also generating large amounts of ultrasound – the same ultrasound used in hospitals today. The Ancient Egyptians also used toning and chanting 'sacred vowel sounds' to ignite a healing effect on the body.
More recently, the late Dr. Masaru Emoto of Japan proved that sound vibrations do have an effect on the substances they are applied to – as the results of his experiments on water has shown. The body is made up of over 70% water. So wouldn't it make sense that using sound to conquer the body's imbalances should be a priority?
The Law of Resonance states that 'all energy resonates at a specific frequency, enabling only energy of a harmonious frequency to attach to it, creating physical results'. In order to get a body back in working capabilities, we must use sympathetic resonance, the idea that an object of a higher frequency can entrain objects of a lower frequency, bringing it up to where the higher resonance lies. It is this very process that can lessen and eliminate pain, and “explode” cancer cells (while leaving the healthy cells around it).
In an article posted by NBC, doctors are now using music in the operating room to ease the pain of patients about to undergo surgery. The music is being applied via headphones or “musical pillows”, pillows that vibrate and pulsate frequencies through the body.
"We have known since the time of Florence Nightingale that listening to music has a positive impact on patients during surgery, by making them feel calmer and reducing pain. However, it's taken pulling together all the small studies on this subject into one robust meta-analysis to really prove it works," said Queen Mary's Dr. Martin Hirsch.
Another notable invention in the field of sound healing is the 'bass pod', a lightweight cube with a speaker installed into it. The speaker is connected to a computer's sound output, and a select set of 'cymatic' frequencies (first coined by Physicist and Scientist, Dr. Hans Jenny) are played. As the pod is applied to the area, selected frequencies vibrate through the speaker to initiate healing. Cymatics can also be played through headphones to affect different moods and the brain.
In addition, many people are taking up the offerings of kirtan (chanting the holy names of God in a group setting), sound baths (using gongs, singing bowls, drums, didgeridoos, tuning forks, etc.), and ecstatic dance to retune their body into its natural alignment.
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